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Forum membership vs. MABRC Organizational membership

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2019 9:07 pm
by admin
Forum membership vs. MABRC Organizational membership

There is a common misconception about the joining of the MABRC Forums as a forum member. The MABRC Forums are open to the public to join, however, joining the forum does not mean that individual is a MABRC Organizational Member.

Only after completing the Membership application on the website, and undergoing an interview with the Membership Coordinator by phone, will the offer to join the MABRC Organization be offered to the applicant.

Forum Members are distinguishable by the colors of their screen names. Yellow, Red and Green show standard forum membership, while light blue signifies a MABRC Organizational applicant, someone who is undergoing the process for joining the MABRC. Dark blue, maroon, and purple colors are MABRC Organizational Members.

MABRC Organizational Members have special access to the MABRC Members area on the forum, while standard forum members don’t.

The reason for this is simple, there are some discussions that only concern MABRC Organizational members, and there are those in the Bigfoot Community that will try to use those discussions against the MABRC and ridicule us on some of the discussions.

Items such as expedition planning, protocol and procedures, investigations and other research that only concerns the MABRC will be placed in that area.

If you wish to join the MABRC, go to this link and fill out the membership application.