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Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2019 3:27 am
by admin
Report # 14405 (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Monday, April 17, 2006. Possible sighting by motorists south of Green Lake
YEAR: 2006

SEASON: Spring

MONTH: April

DATE: 13th of April

PROVINCE: Saskatchewan


LOCATION DETAILS: Around 15km south of Green lake sk on the west side of highway 155; seen April 14th at 12:20 noon; seen in ditch going into the bush

NEAREST TOWN: Between Green Lake and Big River

NEAREST ROAD: on highway 155

OBSERVED: We also seen what looked like a large bigfoot around 8 feet high, with a brownish red color in the ditch just outside about 15km south of Green Lake Saskatchewan between Green Lake and Big River Sk.

We seen him or her on Friday April the 14th 2006 at 12:20 pm so it was in the noon hour. There was also a green Caravan that also seen this. He or she looked like it had crossed the highway and was just going into the ditch when we seen him or her. It was leaned in a forward motion taking what looked like large steps into the bush as he was in the ditch when we seen him.

It was not a bear or anything in that nature.
We are going to be calling the police today to report this.

OTHER WITNESSES: There were 2 adults and 2 children in our car, also a van ahead of us also seen it. Not sure how many seen him from the van.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: It was around 12:20 pm,clear not cloudy vary easy to see.

ENVIRONMENT: jack pine bush the ditch had flat lade down grass that is where he was standing, the bush it went into was thick with bush, not able to see him or here once it went into the bush.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Blaine McMillan :

I contacted the witness both by email and by phone and I can add the following :

The witness and his family were travelling from Green Lake to Big River, Saskatchewan. They had just come around a bend in the road when they noticed a green Caravan about 200 yards ahead. At first glance there appeared to be a person relieving himself in the right hand ditch beside this vehicle (this is a common practice in isolated communities). However, the van was still in motion and the person continued to walk across the ditch.

The witness saw that the person was extremely tall and had crossed the 30 foot wide ditch in 4 or 5 easy steps only to continue on into the surrounding forest. He noted that what he saw walked in a very fluid motion in a slightly stooped posture. When his vehicle reached the spot where it had crossed the ditch he could not see it in the bush beside the road.

No facial features were observed due to the distance but he informed me that the animal had appeared to have no neck, that its head sat directly on it's shoulders and the head was conical or sloped towards the back.

The witness said that in the future he plans to carry a camera when driving the local roads just in case.

About BFRO Investigator Blaine McMillan :

* Retired Canadian Military (Reg Force) Safety Systems / Aviation technician with experience on CF-101 Voodoo, CT-133 Silverstar and various SAR platforms including CC-115 Buffalo and CC-130 Hercules.

* Married with two young sons. An avid camper, hunter and fisherman.

* Holds a BA in Criminology from the University of Manitoba

* Attended the BFRO BC Expeditions in August of 2005 and 2006.

* Organized the 2007, 2008 Vancouver Island as well as 2009 North Vancouver Island Expeditions.

* Will be organizing futureVancouver Island Expeditions. To inquire about an upcoming expedition on Vancouver Island, please email
Report # 12733 (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Thursday, October 06, 2005. Possible sighting by duck hunter near Wakaw
YEAR: 2005


MONTH: September

DATE: 15

PROVINCE: Saskatchewan


LOCATION DETAILS: go down 41 highway past alvena turn on the grid road heading to st. isidore de about 10 miles ...find the ducks unlimited ...wawryk property and you are pretty much there...


NEAREST ROAD: #5 highway

OBSERVED: I went out duck hunting to a spot near Wakaw Saskatchewan that i have been going to for a few years now. It had rained heavily on the day before i went and the fields were quite wet and muddy. while walking to a good shooting pond i stumbled across something that was very strange.

The crops had been cut and the swaths were still laying in the i stepped over a swath i noticed that there was something white under it. I lifted the swath and found seven dead terns...(small, black headed seagulls..) they had not decomposed at all and looked as though they had not been there for long. they were packed all together in a big lump and not scattered about at all and there were no visible injurys on them. At first i didnt know what to think..then i just figured somehow a raccoon had caught them and stashed them there..because they have tendancies to do things like that with there food...not thinking any more about it i went on to shoot a few ducks and started back to my truck to go home because it was starting to rain...then my luck ran soon as i got moving my truck slid off the shoulder of the mud road and into the ditch...i was i started walking to go find a farmer top pull me out.

As I walked along the main grid road that connected to the trail my truck was stuck on...i saw something i will never was raining pretty good and i had my face lookin down toward the road but some movement ahead of me caught my eye...i saw didnt seem really tall...but i was a couple hundred yards away from it..but it was big...i mean real big...wide across the shoulders and no neck just like a big giant head sittin on huge shoulders and short little legs and long arms it was moving extremely fast but not was heading down the ditch at this little valley i was walking through...i saw it for 3 or 4 strides then it disappeared into some trees that were at the bottom...the valley was very narrow but also very long and trees cover the whole bottom of freaked me had to have crossed the road right in front of me but i had my head down and didnt see it till it had crossed the road and was heading into the valley-bottom. When i got to the spot that i figured it must have crossed i found one huge footprint in the muddy sand at the shoulder of the was soaked real good so the footprint was full of water maybe 16 inches long..but probably 5 or 6 inches across at the ball of the foot.

The thing i saw was dark brownish reddish unusual color...I have never heard of sasquatch sightings in the area and i have not told many people about this because i fear being thought of as some kind of nut. I dont know if the dead birds have anything to do with it but they were found only a few hundred yards from the top of the small valley that creature disapeared into.

ALSO NOTICED: just the dead birds i found



TIME AND CONDITIONS: it was shortly after noon... it was raining..but the lighting was good and you could see for a long way

ENVIRONMENT: hills with swathed fields and lots of small patches of trees...lots of creeks and sloughs...very mixed area

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Blaine McMillan :

The witness described the figure as being very large and muscular with no visible neck. He watched it take three or four strides and at no time did it drop onto all fours as a bear would.

At the point where it had left the road he found a single track that measured 16 inches by 6 inches. He mentioned that when he got to this point that he felt that he was being watched from the cover of the trees in the valley.

It is possible that the dead birds the witness found were stashed or hidden by a sasquatch for later consumption as there are reports of known sasquatch killed deer carcasses being found under brush piles. Predators of all sizes are known to secret their kills so other predators and scavengers do not steal it from them.

The terrain in this part of Saskatchewan consists of rolling prairie hills, coulees (small tree filled valleys), sloughs (large shallow seasonal marshes). Due largely to the amount of marshes, there is an abundance of wildlife in these areas.

About BFRO Investigator Blaine McMillan :

* Retired Canadian Military (Reg Force) Safety Systems / Aviation technician with experience on CF-101 Voodoo, CT-133 Silverstar and various SAR platforms including CC-115 Buffalo and CC-130 Hercules.

* Married with two young sons. An avid camper, hunter and fisherman.

* Holds a BA in Criminology from the University of Manitoba

* Attended the BFRO BC Expeditions in August of 2005 and 2006.

* Organized the 2007, 2008 Vancouver Island as well as 2009 North Vancouver Island Expeditions.

* Will be organizing futureVancouver Island Expeditions. To inquire about an upcoming expedition on Vancouver Island, please email
Report # 17456 (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Tuesday, January 30, 2007. Hunters hear possible vocalizations and find strange deer kill outside Christopher Lake, Saskatchewan
YEAR: 2004


MONTH: September

DATE: 29ish

PROVINCE: Saskatchewan


LOCATION DETAILS: North of the Lake in a heavy stand of large timber.

NEAREST TOWN: Christopher Lake


OBSERVED: I was bowhunting with my son's friend late September. I was in a tree stand about 200 yards from Greg, who was on the ground along a deer trail. Just before dark I began to hear a noise that I can only describe as human like and sort of screaming and yelling, but no language or words just primal type of sounds at a pitch that seemed like a man or mature male youth. I thought, Oh my God, a bear is mauling Greg. I immediately exited the tree stand and began running to Greg's location. About half way there I met Greg on the trail.He was spooked out of his witts. I asked if that was him, he said NO! and pointed where the sound came from. It came from an area sort of between us and a bit to the side so it could not have been much more that 100 yards away. We got the heck out of there and returned home to tell our story to my son.

Earlier that fall my son and I found a strange looking deer kill. It was neatly laying along a trail in a dense spruce stand. All that was left was the torso and head with no legs. The spine was neatly exposed for most of the upper back and we could not find a hair, drop of blood scuff mark, nothing in the area so we thought maybe a cougar dropped it there because there were a few spotted around the area???I have seen many wolf and coyote kills and there is always a mess near by.

ALSO NOTICED: There was an abundance of deer in the area the year prior to the event. The year of the event the deer seemed to have left the area.

OTHER WITNESSES: yes, one he was hunting with me.

OTHER STORIES: Yes approx. 30 miles straight East of this location at a place called Candle Lake. The area of Christopher Lake is near the Provincial Forest and Candle Lake is located inside the Forest boundaries. There are cabins and residents around both areas but not entirely around the lakes. I was told that the news paper in the Candle Lake/Prince Albert area covered the story.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: very calm,almost dark, cloudy,

ENVIRONMENT: Mixed boreal forest predominantly spruce in immediate area of sounds.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Blaine McMillan :

The witness was bowhunting in Saskatchewan when this incident took place. At the time he and his hunting partner were seperated by about 200 yards when they both heard a series of loud vocalizations. He described them as being akin to someone who was being killed in their volume and intensity. He said that the sounds emanated from a location near the midway point between the two of them. When they heard the screams each hunter ran towards the other's location fearing that he had been injured or was being attacked by an animal. Upon discovering that each of them was uninjured and had not been the author of the sounds they quickly left the area. He has not been back to the area since.

In a further discussion with the witness talked about the deer kill that he and his son had found earlier that season. He and his son compared what they had seen to photos of a suspected sasquatch/deer kill. Although it had been suggested that the deer they had found had been dropped by a cougar there has been no reliable cougar sightings in Saskatchewan.


Editor's Note (MM):

A signficant element in this report of his description of the deer kill with missing legs. This detail harkens back to a credible witness in Ohio who had a very close encounter with a sasquatch in an overhang cave near Wills Creek, some miles west of Salt Fork State Park.

The Ohio witness had taken shelter in a relatively deep overhang cave. In the back of the cave he found a bunch of deer legs (the entire leg), which had not been cut from the deer, but rather broken and twisted off the deer. The legs were arranged side-by-side "like pencils".

Finding the deer legs in the cave made the witness very apprehensive, but did not prepare him for what was about to walk back into the cave.

Several years after the incident, this very traditional, proud retired Ohio man, was conflicted and reluctant to describe the tensest moments of the event. It was much easier for him to nod or turn his head when I asked him specific yes/no questions about those moments. He did not want to lose control of his emotions in front of a stranger.

He mentioned something beyond what I was expecting to hear, but he refused to elaborate on it, nor would he tell me why he would not elaborate.

At one point he grabbed my hands and said with a most powerful and disarming sincerity "They are a superior intelligence".

I had no idea what he was talking about. He was very nervous and almost breathless when he said that, as if he knew it would make anyone question his sanity, but his emotion spoke volumes. He was very persuasive at that moment, as if something VERY persuasive happened to him, while he was standing, staring, frozen, within 20 feet of a surprised sasquatch.

See the article "Deer Kills and Bigfoots" which makes reference to this witness.

Some years after the incident he built a statue of what he saw, which made it easier for me to track him down along Wills Creek Reservoir. Everyone I asked along the road immediately pointed me toward his house, and he was home.

About BFRO Investigator Blaine McMillan :

* Retired Canadian Military (Reg Force) Safety Systems / Aviation technician with experience on CF-101 Voodoo, CT-133 Silverstar and various SAR platforms including CC-115 Buffalo and CC-130 Hercules.

* Married with two young sons. An avid camper, hunter and fisherman.

* Holds a BA in Criminology from the University of Manitoba

* Attended the BFRO BC Expeditions in August of 2005 and 2006.

* Organized the 2007, 2008 Vancouver Island as well as 2009 North Vancouver Island Expeditions.

* Will be organizing futureVancouver Island Expeditions. To inquire about an upcoming expedition on Vancouver Island, please email